You must make merits as the seeds of taking rebirth in the Blissful Pure Land.
Positive karma or merits accumulated with total trust by positive mental and physical deeds are crucial for any peaceful and happy result, especially for taking rebirth in the Blissful Pure Land.
It could be making offerings, giving gifts, serving others, saying prayers, purifying misdeeds, protecting lives, and being compassionate, caring, gentle, peaceful, devotional, mindful, and contemplative.
Source: Tulku Thondup. Peaceful Death, Joyful Rebirth: A Tibetan Buddhist Guidebook. Edited by Harold Talbott. Boston, MA: Shambhala Publications, 2005.

Accumulating merit could be through making offerings, giving gifts, serving others, saying prayers, purifying misdeeds, protecting lives; as well as being compassionate, caring, gentle, peaceful, devotional, mindful, and contemplative.
(Adapted from Tulku Thondup, Peaceful Death, Joyful Rebirth)