By the Fifteenth Karmapa, Khakhyab Dorje
O dharmakāya Amitābha, embodiment of all the buddhas,
And protector Avalokiteśvara, manifestation of compassion,
To these ultimate and supreme sources of refuge, I pray!
May I and all beings, my previous mothers, as infinite as space,
Face no unfavourable conditions, only ever-increasing positivity.
May we be free from misdeeds and have the eight qualities and ten virtues;
And, in our future lives, may we travel to the pure realm of Great Bliss!
Bless us, so that having attained buddhahood in that physical form,
We may become a guide who leads beings from extremes,
And gain strength and power just like yours.
Supplicate like this with a one-pointed mind, and recite:
“om amitabha hrih”
Thus, in response to a request from Demchok Lhamo of noble family, the one known as Karmapa put this into writing.
Translated by Abraham Ta-Quan, 2017. Proofread by Lucinda Ritter.

The main focus of the four causes is the prayers and meditation on the Buddha of Infinite Light and his Blissful Pure Land.
The buddha is the embodiment of all the enlightened ones and the manifestation of the universal truth.
The Blissful Pure Land is the appearance of the wisdom-light and wisdom-energies of the buddha as the pure land.
Even if you are not a devotee of the Buddha of Infinite Light, or even a Buddhist, practicing the four causes will generate enormous merit. Your mindstream and all your expressions in words and deeds will become peaceful and joyful, ensuring happy rebirths.
(Tulku Thondup, Peaceful Death, Joyful Rebirth)